Senin, 19 Agustus 2013


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Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

Narrative, Reading Genre XI


Purpose : To narrate an historical event over time.
Generic Structure
1.     Orientation
2.    Complication
3.    Rising action
4.    Climax
5.    Resolution
Tenses Use: simple past, past perfect, past continuous, past future continuous


  • historical
  • adventure
  • horror
  • contemporary
  • science-fiction
  • mystery
  • romantic
  • fables
  • legends and myths

Report, Reading Genre XI


Its social purpose is presenting information about something. They generally describe an entire class of things, wether natural or made.

Generic Structure
1.     General Clasification
2.    Description

Tenses Use
Simple present

Analytical Exposition, Reading Genre XI

Analytical Exposition
To convince the reader that the topic presented is an important topic to be discussed by giving arguments or opinions that support the main idea or topic

Generic Structure
1.     Thesis
In Thesis, writer introduce about topic or main idea that will be discussed. Thesis always locate in first paragraph in Analytical Exposition Text.
2.    Argument
In this part, writer present arguments or opinions that support writer’s main idea, generally Analytical Exposition Text has more than two arguments. More argument presented will make the reader more trusting that the topic discussed by the writer is an important or need attention.
3.    Reiteration
This is a closing part of an Analytical Exposition Text located in the end of the paragraph. Reiteration contains rewriting or replacement main idea located in first paragraph. Reiteration usually called conclusion.
Tenses Use
Simple Present